To learn Marketing from zero to hero By Einstien Theory.

Adarsh Kumar
4 min readAug 30, 2021


My dream was to become an entrepreneur and start a big company. Every day I get new ideas but I don’t know how to implement them. I feel some vacuum in my thinking and practical implementation. In between, I got a mail and I feel something new matter in the massage then I started watching videos, as well as I, join a webinar. Even if I don’t know, who is this person? Approximately I follow more than fix month. then I realize he has some great marketing knowledge.

but there is always one tragedy if you belonged to a middle-class family i.e money. however, I arrange money for DDIP(Digital Deepak Internship Program). A/c to me DDIP looks like a short-term MBA course with almost all the basic information about the market you get. this is works as a catalyst in my life.

How the marketing is related to Einstein's theory, we will know.

Mass energy relation

The most famous equation of Einstein.

E = mc²

where, m=rest mass of the particle, c= Velocity of particle & E= rest energy of the particle.

Let suppose the mass of the particle is ‘m’ and throwing at velocity ‘V. that means we provide energy of the particle.

This looks confusing.

Ok, don’t worry;

Throwing a stone

Let suppose we have a stone of 10gram and we are aiming towards any person and how hard does it hurt. This totally depends on, how much effort you are adding on stone for throwing.

Similarly, we can understand marketing.

Instead of mass, we have a product. I would like to sell it. First of all, we have to provide value to it. Either offline or online marketing or both methods.

If we kept stone on the flower in this condition stone can’t hurt anyone without providing the energy or velocity of the stone. it may say, just providing energy to the stone. (hurt: influencing the person in the sense of marketing)

Offline marketing

Similarly, if we have a product and selling a product offline but do not give an effort to sell. In this condition sells will be slow but if we influence the people by talking about product i.e something effective and if we speak in loudspeaker i.e more effective for selling most of the time we see in the mall or market.

Online marketing

if we are influencing the people online by a blog post, FB ads, google ads, youtube ads, etc. as much as the effort we add that much value gain to the product.

Online shopping

In the case of stone, the more speed I provide to the stone, the more effective particle I will get.

A/c to Mass energy relation.


c=3*10⁸ m/s is the ultimate speed of particle i.e speed of light.

If we have a 1gram of particle and having speed comparable to light. That particle will behave like an atom bomb.

Atom bomb after explosion


If you have a zero-knowledge in marketing after joining DDIP you will become a hero in marketing.

you must join one or two webinars so that you can understand and how much effective for you DDIP.

you can spread your knowledge as an atom bomb with my best wishes…


